Tuesday, January 12, 2010


A lies can hurt people's heart
since I just know something
that can totally hurt my heart

I get cheated by someone
someone didn't told me the truth
why? why? why?
why someone wanna cheat me?

I don't understand
I can't imagine
someone hurt me deeply :(
maybe someone thought that
cheating me better than I know the truth

I was nothing to say anymore
I wouldn't chase and ask for more
since now someone still don't know
I already know that :(

Maybe I shouldn't angry with someone
because someone also have own privacy
someone doesn't to told me the truth
might be have someone's own reason
and also have freedom and choice
to decided telling me :(

I wouldn't angry to someone
since I know im not enough qualified :(

p/s: YOURS lies make me down down down.

[heart broke ): ]

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