have a memorable trip in pangkor
first time go pangkor with friend
walk at the beach
wear periscope

play 3kaki mahjung

hold 海参
*all new experience
all kaki botol
kaki mahjung
kaki poker
but all good guys
so happy together with them
always get surprise
happy because i know a gang new frens
Alice, Dick, Eric, Ah Hoi, Andy ,Yik Siang
Ah Heng and Me.
6guys and 2gals.
hope in the fellowing days
can always go travel with them ;)
And i need to say thankyou to someone
thankyou all the time u take k me
thankyou all the time u protect me
thankyou all the time u give patient to me
thankyou so much ♥

I hope what u do for me
I'll appreciate
I'll remember what u done
But everything is "I hope"
this is what i want to say to u
i reject everything u do for me
i know u got "heart"..
but so sorry...
i kenot promise u..
really sorry..
what i do for u
i know will hurt u
that is the only reason
i kenot accept ur "heart"..
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