my foot :'(
very very pain+swelling
i dunno what insect bite my foot become like that
=.= just now when mum n dad see that
ask me what happen on my foot
they tot my foot injured by volleyball
because today is my terrible volleyball test :S
inform to all my fellow friends
my volleyball test already pass jor :)
i damn happy till my foot become like that =.=
dunno what insect bite me??!!!!
i very dulan!!
make my foot become like that
now even i walk also feel pain!!!
how i go countdown christmas eve tomorrow night ler??!
don't...... i already promise cui cui n styler
i'll attend clubbing tomorrow night
but if my foot still like that
how i go clubbing??!! :S
I still hope can go clubbing dancing tonight ==
coz i first time go clubbing with my dearest college friend!!!
hope my foot will better after i woke up :)
anyway...god bless me.
[I damn pain :( ]
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