christmas eve today ;)
I went back from kampar early
but without reason I back early =X
maybe is I dun wish stay at kampar gua..==
Tonight actually is no planning
but yesterday Cui Cui ask me go clubbing together
hmm.... I never clubbing with them before
So so so.... I go luu...
They wanna go Rum...
but I wish to go Barroom >.<
but nevermind luu...
they already booking table.
Hahahahahahhaa :)
sudenly i receive LinWei's call
he and Tham and his gang wanna join me there
finally i first time join they gang so ;)
First time see Tham dance ==
dance like uncle >.<
hahahhaha.. join them more fun ;)
take a look

Ah Hwa, Linwei, DK, Ah Haw
bhind Ah Tham and Elter..>.<
Tham said he look like ghost ==

Money, Burger, Moon
three leng lui up to stage dance tonite
yuhoo~ they bravo *thumb up*
I clubbing many times
also dare up to stage dance ==

Me and Ah Yan
(sexy V-dress tat night)

Moon moon and me :)
I didnt get drunk tonight
but very malang
i fall down at Rum's carpark ==
very malu *cover face*
Some more front of all the guys
Tham's they gang
totally mou sai min ==
my hand :(
become black green

my knee
black green+a bit bleed-ing
hope will not leave any scar on my leg :)
and get well soon
coz few days more is the time
to countdown new year eve ;)
[what a unluckily christmas eve]
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