my room *121*
RSC1 first floor

come on
go inside gap har

my messy living room
have a lot thing on da table

my room table
*but not my table
foong har n kah yan mui table
under put they maggie n jacob
walao ler

everyday me ohh si geh toilet
leng dou~~
after we clean everyday~

purple-my lovely bed*
pink-no.1 miss.wei's bed*
see~bed oso messy than people*
wat da hell....!!
no zap fong is like dat geh lar=.=''
my working shift
use LCD monitor
swape my ID card
high tech ler??
miss U so much

my uniform*
not full body
half body
bling bling**
gold in color
temporary wear tis uniform =.=''
feel sad
coz forgot take my ID photo
my ID 88057414
i rmbr forever**
[I miss U,genting and all my frens over there]
3 footprint:
genting croupier neh..
din hear u said b4...
u nw stil gt work as part time de??
huh??u duno geh meh?
i tot u knw tim~
part-time?not vacancy me more luu
just 2weeks holidays~
aiya..4gt to put my pic with uniform in my blog tim..
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